All career-technical and adult educators are encouraged and welcome to join the only statewide organization that represents the interests of ALL career technical and adult educators.  Members represent educators at comprehensive/compact high schools, career centers, adult career centers and community colleges. 

Your Ohio ACTE membership helps maintain the visibility of career-technical and adult education in Ohio and allows students to continue to have the opportunity to participate in career-technical education. 

Want to join OATFACS?

Click the appropriate button below.

Don't forget to select Family and Consumer Sciences under division dues!

Our Divisions provide specific information on different areas of CTE and you can renew your Division membership or join more Divisions when you renew.  

The membership year is Sept. 15- Sept. 15, to coincide with the school year.

If you have any questions about your renewal, please contact Ohio ACTE at (614)890-2283.

Ohio ACTE would like to invite all first year academic and career-technical education teachers to join Ohio ACTE for free for their first year.  Whether it is your first year teaching or just your first year in CTE, please accept our invitation to join a statewide network of more than 2,000 educators concerned with career-technical and adult education in Ohio. 

Free Student Membership!

All Ohio FCS Education Students enjoy your free membership with OATFACS!

Start your professional teaching career as a member of the only professional organization for FCS teachers in Ohio!

Benefits include:

Membership is as simple as sending an email!

To receive your complimentary student OATFACS membership, please complete the information found on this link and email it to the link found on this document.

Thank you to our Ohio ACTE Organizational Affiliate Members!

See your district listed below? Ask them about utilizing the Organizational Affiliate Membership!